Westhaven - Live How you Choose

Specialised Substitute Resident Care (SSRC)

A safe and welcoming environment for respite or behaviour support, with options for in-home or out-of-home care, social activities, and more.

At Westhaven, we offer flexible and supportive short-term accommodation solutions for adults, children, and young people receiving services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Our Specialised Substitute Resident Care (SSRC) services provide a safe and welcoming environment for participants who require respite or behaviour support.

What is SSRC?

SSRC is a type of care that allows children to stay away from their usual home for 3 or more nights in a 7-day period. This care can be provided in a group home, respite, hotel, Airbnb, or even a host family arrangement. Our SSRC services are designed to provide flexibility and support for families and carers, and can be used for:

  • Respite or behaviour support
  • Short-term accommodation through the NDIS
  • Overnight stays with another family
  • Longer-term residential care
  • Residential programs for behaviour change

Our Services

At Westhaven, we pride ourselves on delivering positive and meaningful experiences tailored to your individual needs and goals. Our SSRC services include:

  • Choice of service delivery and times
  • In or out of home respite
  • Community participation or other activities
  • Social and recreational activities
  • Group respite with peers
  • Cultural activities and support
  • Overnight, short-term placement, or daytime respite in a Westhaven property with experienced and friendly staff

The SSRC Register

When a child stays in overnight care for one or more nights, we record it on the specialised substitute residential care register. This register ensures that children don’t remain in care for long periods without oversight and allows us to work collaboratively with other providers to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Get in Touch

If you’re interested in learning more about our SSRC services or would like to discuss how we can support you, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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