Westhaven - Live How you Choose

Evolving for a More Inclusive Future

We are announcing a significant change that reflects our core values and our ongoing mission to support people living with disability.

After a long history of providing supported employment programs, we’re transitioning our focus to promote inclusive employment opportunities within the broader community. This difficult decision aligns with recent Royal Commission recommendations, emphasising the right of individuals with disabilities to work in open and inclusive environments.

We recognise this change will impact our current programs and some of you directly. Rest assured, we are deeply committed to supporting every individual and staff member affected by this transition.  Each journey will be unique, and we will work closely with everyone involved to find the best path forward.

Ultimately, this change is about empowerment. It’s about ensuring the people we support have equal access to meaningful work, community connections, and the possibilities of a truly inclusive environment.

We’re excited about the positive impact this new chapter holds. Thank you for your continued dedication as we work towards a more inclusive future for the people we support.

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Supported Employment Dubbo