Westhaven - Live How you Choose

School Leavers Employment Support (SLES)

Our tailored supports focus on building your capacity, skills, independence, and confidence to succeed in the workplace.

Transitioning from School to Employment with Confidence

As a registered NDIS provider, Westhaven offers School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) to help you transition from school to employment. Our supports are tailored to your individual needs, focusing on building your capacity, skills, independence, and confidence to succeed in the workplace.

What are School Leaver Employment Supports?

School Leaver Employment Supports are designed to help you explore and understand your work potential, preparing you for the next step after school. These supports are:

  • Person-centred and individually tailored
  • Strategic and planned to meet your unique employment goals
  • Available during your final years of school and up to two years after leaving school
  • Reviewed periodically to ensure they meet your changing needs

Our Supports

We provide and facilitate pre-employment skills in the following areas:

  • Computer skills
  • Communication skills
  • Job search activities
  • Work experience
  • Job Site training
  • Resume writing and Interview skills
  • Budgeting and money handling skills
  • Travel skills, including help to obtain a learner driving licence

Who are School Leaver Employment Supports for?

Our SLES are available to NDIS participants in their final year of school and those who have recently left school (generally up to age 22). If you’re looking to transition from school to work, we’re here to support you.

Get Started

To access SLES, you must be an NDIS participant with funding for Finding and Keeping a Job in your plan. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you achieve your employment goals.

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