Westhaven - Live How you Choose

Individual Placement Arrangement (IPA)

IPA, in collaboration with DCJ, offers tailored, temporary emergency accommodation solutions that cater to the unique needs of each child.

Westhaven provides IPA serivces, this program is customised emergency short-term accommodation. We cater to the childs unique emotional, physical, and environmental needs. Trained professional staff provide individualised support, ensuring each child receives the specific care they require during this critical time.

What is IPA?

IPA is a temporary emergency accommodation option for children in need of out-of-home care (OOHC). It is a fee-for-service arrangement, meaning the cost is based on the specific services provided.

  • Temporary: IPAs are intended to be safe short-term solutions while efforts are made to place the child in a more permanent and suitable OOHC setting.
  • Individualised: The care and support provided are tailored to meet the specific needs of each child.
  • Last Resort: IPAs should only be used after all other options for placing the child with relatives, foster carers, or contracted OOHC providers have been exhausted.

This approach ensures that children receive immediate and appropriate care while a long-term solution is sought.

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