Westhaven - Live How you Choose

Accessibility Statement

Our Commitment to Digital Inclusion

At Westhaven, we believe everyone should have equal access to the information and services we provide online. We strive to create a website experience that is accessible and usable for all individuals, regardless of ability or disability.

Accessibility Measures

To achieve that goal, we have taken the following proactive measures:

  • Accessibility Widget: Our website features an Accessibility Widget. This powerful tool provides a range of assistive features, including:
    • Screen reader adjustments
    • Keyboard navigation enhancements
    • Dyslexia-friendly font
    • Contrast adjustments
    • Content highlighting
    • Text magnification
    • Language Translation
  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): We design and develop our website with a focus on WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines, the internationally recognised standard for web accessibility.
  • Ongoing Monitoring and Improvement: We regularly audit and test our website, working continually to identify and address any accessibility barriers that may arise.

How to Use the Accessibility Widget

The Accessibility Widget is easy to locate. Look for the blue accessibility icon typically found in the lower left corner of your screen. Clicking on this icon opens the widget’s menu, allowing you to customise your website experience to fit your needs.

We Value Your Feedback

Creating an inclusive digital experience is an ongoing process, and your input is essential. If you encounter any accessibility issues or have suggestions for improvement, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [contact email or provide a form].

Our Mission

Westhaven is committed to providing a website that removes barriers and fosters a welcoming, usable online space for everyone.

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